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Dealing with the Roots

Dealing With The Roots

Saturday 13th July, 9:30am til 4:30pm

Farnham Vineyard, The Vineyard Centre, Church House, Union Road, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 7PT

Perhaps you are frustrated that after much prayer and even fasting you are still unable to make a breakthrough.  Or perhaps you believe that you have finally broken the cycle only to face the disappointment of that issue popping up again.  Worse still, perhaps you have started to believe that God is not hearing or answering your prayers.

Often we are mistaken in praying about the fruits of the issues in our lives rather than dealing with the roots.

Just as you may pull up weeds in your garden, if the roots are left behind the weeds will grow again - they may lie low for a while, but they will certainly make a reappearance!  

This course starts with a time of worship, followed by short, biblical teaching sessions on the issues that may have led to our struggles and wounding in particular areas, spaced with opportunities for personal prayer ministry with one or two members of our trained ministry team.

This course provides very practical help on how to deal with the roots - the only way to bring lasting healing.

Registration is at 9:30 a.m. onwards.  Tea and coffee will be provided but you will need to bring your own lunch, or purchase it from nearby shops.

This course has already started, if you would still like to take part then please contact us.

Bursary options

Please do consider offering to pay for a friend that you know would benefit from this course. If you are unable to pay for this course yourself, then before booking, please email  to request a free place that has been funded by the generosity of other Living Bridge supporters.