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Jesus Heals

Jesus Heals

Saturday 21st September, 10:00am til 5:00pm

Farnham Vineyard, The Vineyard Centre, Church House, Union Road, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 7PT

Jesus Heals days are free events where you will receive biblical teaching and have the opportunity to receive individual Prayer Ministry from trained and experienced members of the Living Bridge Prayer Ministry Team.  You may want to receive prayer about issues that have arisen from the day’s teaching, or issues that have been present for some time.

In addition to some of our regular teachers on this occasion we are delighted to welcome Phil Webb who will be speaking to us about the Father Heart of God, a subject close to his own heart. 

Many of us have struggled in our relationships with our earthly fathers.  For example, some may have had an absent father, or lost their father at an early age. Such experiences will influence our understanding of God as Father and we may have belief systems about Father God which need to be set straight. We are likely to have emotional wounding which Father God wants to heal.  We may have blocks to understanding in both our heads and hearts that his Father love for us is unconditional and does not depend on our achievements or performances.  He loves us, and longs for deeper relationship with us, just as many of us long for a deeper relationship with him.

Jesus Heals days are completely free and offer a gentle way to introduce family or friends to the healing ministry.  We welcome groups from churches but please make sure that we have a clear number of guests attending via our booking system.