Former Ellel Ministries Pierrepont, Frensham Road, Farnham, Surrey, GU10 3DL
Just as Jesus healed the sick and restored the broken and the suffering when he walked on this Earth, so he still heals today.
At a Jesus Heals event the day starts with a time of worship. There will then follow a number of teaching sessions, before and after lunch.
There will be opportunities to receive personal prayer ministry in confidence with a member of our trained Prayer Ministry Team. Delegates can pick up on and go into greater depth on issues that may have arisen for them in the teaching sessions, or issues that they have brought to the day.
The number of personal ministry sessions which each delegate may receive depends on how many delegates attend, and how many Prayer Ministers are available but all delegates who would like personal ministry will receive it.
On occasions there might be ’up front’ ministry when the session teacher will pray for all delegates in regard to the issues that have been addressed in the teaching session.
Registration is at 9:30am. Tea and coffee will be available during breaks. Please bring your own lunch.
This course has already started, if you would still like to take part then please contact us.