Guildford Baptist Church, Millmead, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 4BE
Jesus Heals days are free events.
The day starts with a time of worship, followed by teaching and then opportunities for personal minstry and prayer with members of the Living Bridge Prayer Ministry Team.
We have all rebelled against God and although you may have turned to Him for forgiveness perhaps you are still struggling with shame and guilt, or find it difficult to believe that you are fully accepted by your Heavenly Father, no matter how far you have strayed.
In today’s teaching we will look at rebellion, God’s rescue plan, examples of Prodigals and how God accepts us and His plans for our restoration.
He wants to remove our filthy rags and clothe us in robes of righteousness.
Drinks are provided but you will need to bring a packed lunch, or purchase a light lunch from the mouth-watering menu at the church’s Cafe. Althernatively it is a short walk to local shops.
Please be aware that there is no parking at the church and that the closest parking is pricey. Your best option may be to park at the local railway station but we will include parking options when we send you final arrangements nearer the time.